Wednesday, November 29, 2006

by Lucille D'ecoupage
The wind makes the most peculiar sound as it turns your toes black and freezes the snot an inch inside of your nose. "Woooooooowooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhsssshhoooooooooshtooooooo", but I feel I can't do it justice.
Soothing really.
Warm, dare I say?
At any rate, afraid not much more for it really. Nothing much else to say. Did I mention it was cold? Yes. Bloody cold. Dickinson's gone all solid on me, silly tit. No more witty observances from the old fellow... Ah well, all for the best I suppose. Seeing as I can't move my body, I can't really complain now can I?
But if I could, I can assure you this - the complaints would be long and thorough.
Yet... even this takes all my energy ~


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