Monday, August 28, 2006

The Disillusionists. cont'd...
The tape cut and the next scene was a series of pans and focuses through a sliding glass door into the yard. There were a series of camera drops, repositions and black outs - like someone using it for the first time. Then came a length of static, followed by a slow pan over a dimly lit room. The fireplace was burning. A woman enters wearing a black wedding dress. It looks second hand and hand-dyed. Her hair is black and wavy. She has heavy make-up on and seems to be going for the un-dead look. A man appears in a red suit. He has a receding hairline and a penciled-in moustache. He must be evil because no one else could get away with that suit.
The couple turn for the camera as though showing off their new Halloween costumes. The film quality is very stunted and amateurish until a small pair of hands sprout out of the evil guy's forehead where his horns should be and start flailing around fairly realistically. The woman manages to somehow pop her head off her shoulders and goo starts to drain out of her neck. Lots of it.
Next, the guy with the little hands coming out of his head goes over and starts rummaging around in her neck. He seems pretty proud of the fact he can do this while his real hands are in his pockets. It takes a little while and gets a little messy but now he seems to have gotten hold of something. It turns out to be a lamb or a goat. A real one - ping - out her neck. She sticks her head back on and wipes away some of the puss like it was a bad sneeze. The next thing you know, the devil guy takes the baby goat over to a table and starts wiping it down tenderly. The goat gets up on it's front knees and stands there braying and wobbling - something bad is going to happen to this poor little neck-breech baby but no, all of a sudden we're in a car driving along like a regular evil family. (It would be nice if he was using his little hands which now look pretty much like rubber but then he'd have to look at the floorboards so that wouldn't work...)
Anyway's they're drivin' along and the girl, who is hot by the way, starts pulling sausage casing out of her ears and nose. It is totally excessive and uncalled for but not as bad as the offal is building up on the outside of the car because the air outside is made of people and oh my god it's too awful for words, you'll just have to see it for yourself...


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