Jack the Dog Barker gets one minute to explain his approach to time.
GS Okay... Go!
JB I think I speak for most dogs by saying that the naming of time is indeed important and beneficial. Lunchtime, Dinnertime and Naptime are crucial moments in my daily schedule. As are the time I caught that frizbee four feet in the air and - time it while I run around this tree a hundred times. How much time have I got? Keep going? Okay... Wintertime is no time to sleep as digging through a fresh blanket of snow into the fragrant muck is one of the best times I've ever had. It's a waste of time NOT to... Okay, Bedtime has it's benefits too. And grooming. Uh, what time is it now?
GS And... - ding -
JB Good. Now gimmie a cookie.
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