The Setting: Lonesome Betty's House of Love
The Time: Christmas Eve
The Booze: Two cases of Lakeport Honey, half a Texas Mickey of Johnnie Walker Black Label, some coolers or some shit like that... And a jug of Peach-Pot Wine! ~ "Ya don't really get a hang-over. Ya just stay stoned." ~
Our family sits around the shrine of the television. Worshipping that which makes their own lives so... miserable.
Grunter enters, carrying a banana-box full of chips, pretzels, some Gatorade and a frozen turkey.
Grunter Stevenson: Holy Crap! Danny's No Frills stinks like shit...
Lonesome Betty: Really?
GS: Yeah. I mean, something obviously died in the milk cooler and it must've been Welfare Wednesday 'cuz everybody was fucked up looking and I swear somebody shit themselves.
Bernie Finklestein: That's fucked up.
GS: I'll say. It was crowded too! These idiots didn't know how to operate in a grocery store. They'd stop in the stupidest places and can't steer or nothin'
Ginger Pot: Well, give them a break. Maybe they don't get out much.
BF: Y'know. I used to live out west and my biggest regret about moving back east was no longer being able to go to the store in my pyjamas...
LB: Whad'ya mean? I go to the store in my pyjamas all the time!
BF: I was talkin' about Toronto, not Hamilton!
LB: Oh.
GP: What's up with Jack? He doesn't look too good.
GS: He ate a shitload of candy Bet's kid had stashed under the kitchen counter...
LB: No - I stashed it there myself 'cuz I wanted him to have some when he got outta care and I din't want you two dickheads eatin' it all...
GS and BF: Oh.
GP: What time is Paul working until?
LB: I don't fuckin' know. He can fuckin' go fuck himself for all I fuckin' care.
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