by Lucille D'ecoupage
As the small boat grew increasingly in size and detail, they could see that one individual appeared to be more animated than the rest. On more than one occasion he interupted the beat of the rowing by raising an arm to wave. As the starboard crew raised their oars and reached out to grab at the netting which had been rolled over the side of the Rotund, the animated man set down his oar clumsily, gathered a small kit bag and struggled up the side of the hull. At one point, one of the rowers prodded him with their oar in order to hasten his embarkation. They rowed away without further delay and before anyone could act, the animated stranger stood before the crew, smiling from ear to ear.
"I am Gunther Larsfeldt." he blurted, "Sank you for taking me."
He clumsily shook everyone's hand and then looked up with glee at the rigging above his head.
"I am a free man!"
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