Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Disillusionists cont'd...
There was snow now in the mountains - on the highway to the coast. Buck followed the tracks left in the slick surface by the car ahead of him. It helped him to concentrate. But his mind drifted off again and again, imagining what their daughter must be going through. The fact that they didn't know where she was... Was it snowing on the coast? Couldn't be. It was still summer! Raining. How long could she have? Buck wanted to step on the gas, blow by everyone and get there as fast as possible. Gracie looked over and put a hand on his knee - telling him to slow down. Nevertheless, he applied a little more pressure on the pedal and watched the accelerator slowly climb.
According to the police there had been an accident involving their camper. There had been injuries and one fatality, not May, who was missing. Missing. How could she be missing? How many people were in the camper? They wouldn't say. Could she be hurt? They didn't know. Well he wasn't about to sit around at the kitchen table and wait for answers. Gracie squeezed his knee gently. Buck was startled, he looked down at the speedometer and took his foot off the gas a little. She tried to smile a reassuring smile but he could see that she was as scared as he was. Better to go slow in these conditions. Better just to get there.
They stopped for gas and directions once they had come down out of the pass. It was raining and they could smell the ocean. Buck's back was killing him from having sat behind the wheel for so long. They hadn't been out this way for years and hardly recognized the place. There were two (!) stoplights now. Development seemed to have been given free reign. There wasn't a main street left, so to speak, only a series of dis-associated minimalls, gas stations and fast food outlets. All within a three block strip.
* * *
Sgt Leah Merriweather swung around the doorframe of the interview room before Williams had a chance to shut the door. "Hope you don't mind but I did a few things without you..."
Drop the god-damn innuendo Leah, he thought before looking up with one eybrow raised, "Really? And what was that Sergeant?"
"I ran the information on the sedan, turns out it was rented to your man Gunther Stevenson four days ago. Pre-authorised on his Visa... Got a pretty good price too." Leah liked to rest her hands on her belt, even when she was sitting down. Williams thought it made her look like she was perpetually ready to take off her pants. She was also a fourteen-year member of the R.C.M.P. and liked to think she had seen it all, but she just couldn't get her jug-shaped noggin around this one. She handed over a series of photos which Williams leafed through quickly. These weren't kids and they weren't just out for a joyride.
The Sergeant continued in an authoritative manner, "This guy Stevenson claims he doesn't know what's going on. He's willing to make a statement. Says he wants to go home... Meanwhile buddy over in room two isn't saying shit. Says he'll sue if we don't let him go."
Jim had been at his son's softball game and had to stay until the end because he couldn't get in touch with his ex (because she wouldn't answer her god-damn phone) to come and pick the kid up. Then he had to drive two and a half hours out to this one pump town. He knew Merriweather would have done all the detective work by now and it really only made his job harder. "You haven't taken any statements yet have you?"
The Sergeant handed him a few sheets of printed material, hot off the press. She smiled at Jim in that 'hard to say' way that she had. Williams groaned, even a student would be able to get it thrown out...
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Science has shown they were 99.99 thousand percent Just Like Us.
Hell, I got a cousin who's 99.9 percent Sasquatch!
History has demonstrated that the GOOD people became cooks.
(That way they could stay warm by the fire.)
Technology has shown they were proficient in the use of simple tools.
ART has shown they fashioned jewellery from the bones of their ancestors...
They're Just Like Us.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006

Thursday, November 16, 2006
This letter is being sent to you via the trade vessel Enid, to the Bay Company post at Fort Macpherson where hopefully it will make it's way to you. I have received your note via the Sceptre and keep it with me at all times. It worries me so that your mission should suffer this set-back and we do not have any more news since from the colonies, but everyone seems quite certain of your safe arrival this spring.
I have had a difficult time with the Northern Commission, who do not seem to want to hear from me at all unless it is of course the role of distraught wife which you know I have difficulty portraying. The only interest now being displayed seems to be trade and I feel powerless in dealing with them...
I have dispatched this letter with a Mister Robertson, who has been exemplary in his concern for both you and myself. All is well at home. There is a squirrel of sorts in the attic of the south wing I shall have to have attention paid to. But surely these domestic issue are of no interest to you where you are now. Your son can now send his love... at least by his own voice ~ he is growing up so fast it is hard for me to keep up with him.
Hampshire, England
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
~ We now number four ~ Sir Richard, Lt Caudal, the Whaler and myselfe. The others have bound Lt Tarbin's body for stowage in the lazaret so that he may be interred on dry land.
I find it hard to put into worde the act of neccesity of having to perfrom an autopsy upon a man whom so recently was one's shipmate and a talented and capable Officer... Apart from showing the usual signs of scurvye, his organs demonstrated uncharacteristic swelling and in the case of the spleen, atrophy. The remaining crew initially were afeared of Cholera, but there was none of the explosive discharge and dehydration associated with it. Full details are to be found in my Surgeon's record.
What is most striking to me, despite all other events, was his sudden yet brief lapse into dementia where he seemed to re-live an event from his youth ~ we suppose that he was once knocked unconscious while learning to ride a horse. In many documented instances, memory loss of the immediate action prior to concussion are commonplace. It was startling for us to observe him, in this state, re-living this particular instance... The anger he displayed and in particular his voice, which was unflattering to say the least, has disturbed me beyond all else on this voyage. That the mind might carry this information throughout our lives and call upon it whether conscious or not has awoken in me an unease I surely have not felt since my introduction to this world.
~ November 15, 1836
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Friday, November 10, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
My Dearest Claire,
I must send this with haste as our mission has taken a change for the worse. I beg not to worry ~ all is well. We are to spende the winter as far North as we can make. The Sceptre will return in the spring... We have only to wait out the cold. I have entrusted this note with the Captain and upon his word says he shall not fail. I can only pray that at some time you have the opportunity to read these humble words and to know that I love you.
You are in my thoughts always.
Love Richard.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006