Producer Lucille D'ecoupage talks with Lougan Watch about the exciting new serial feature 'Gans At Sea, the most hotly anticipated literary event this season...
Grunter Stevenson: Ms D'ecoupage -
Lucille D'ecoupage: Call me Lucy.
GS: How about Ginge...
LD: A-tat-ta-tat...
GS: Okay, Lu-cee. Tell us about your new, hotly anticipated oceanic extravaganza 'Gans At Sea.
LD: What would you like to know?
GS: I dunno. What's it, like, about?
LD: Well, it's an adventure story set in the early eighteen-hundreds about these well-meaning but hopelessly inept English twats who head out into the high arctic in an effort to reach India so they could continue pillaging while avoiding the French.
GS: So you hate the English as well?
LD: Hate is a pretty strong word, I'll say I'd prefer to mock them.
GS: Understood. Is there any sex in it?
LD: Well, they are a bunch of guys together for months at a time on the open ocean.
GS: Ew. Didn't they bring along any punani?
LD: We'll see...
GS: I think our readers will appreciate that.
LD: I don't know if its historically accurate.
GS: Who gives a shit, either that or have 'em bonin' a goat.
LD: It is meant to be a serious examination of the folly of early explorers.
GS: Fuck that! I thought it'd be a buncha goofballs bumpin' inta each other and yo-ho-hoin' eh?
LD: Gawd, why d'ya have ta be so negative all the time?
GS: I'm not bein' negative! I'm just trying to liven things up around here...
LD: Well why don't you just give me a chance to do something myself without trying to take over like you always do?
GS: I'm not tryin' to take over - I'm just tryin' ta help make it fuckin' interesting or else it'll be a bunch of tools sittin' around with their pinkies out -
LD: Just forget it then.
GS: What? But I... ah fuckit okay be that way.
LD: What way?
GS: You know what I mean.
LD: No I don't. What way?
GS: Never mind.
LD: No. Tell me.
etc etc...
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