Lonesome Betty answers your on-line queeries
Local favourite Lonesome Betty spares a moment to like, answer your questions...
Grunter Stevenson: So I'll get the ball rollin' here... uh, so what's the biggest dick you've ever seen?
Lonesome Betty: I'm lookin' at him.
GS: Ha-ha... No seriously.
LB: Seriously.
GS: Oh. Well, thanks... I think.
LB: Don't mention it.
GS: So... here's one from Boo the Bear. Boo says, if you're ever out in his neck of the woods to give him a call.
LB: That's not really a question.
GS: No, not really. Anyways, Boo if you could please phrase your statements in the form of a question, it would be appreciated.
LB: Got any smokes?
GS: Yeah sure, help yourself.
LB: Heeahaackah-cough... What's next?
GS: Here's one, Dear L.B., can you put a condom on using only your mouth? That's from, let's see... Bernie Finklestein, who works at the Tim Horton's on King St. Hi Bernie!
LB: Which one?
GS: Which Bernie?
LB: No. Which Timmie's, dumbass.
GS: Uh...
LB: The answer is yes by the way.
GS: Cool. Okay, here's a good one... Jack wrote in to say, would you ever consider doing it with a dog?
LB: Next.
GS: Fair enough. Okay, let's see, what do you eat?
LB: That's a stupid question.
GS: I know but we don't really have any more.
LB: (sigh) I had a Pepsi for breakfast and later maybe a bag of Dorito's...
GS: What music do you like?
LB: Solemn Oath mostly.
GS: They rock!
LB: I know!
GS: So uh, you're lookin' good today Bets.
LB: Go fuck yourself.
GS: Okey-doke.
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