by Lucille D'ecoupage
As the ships rounded the Blaskett Islands, off the Dingle Penninsula and the south coast of Ireland, the crews stood on deck as this was the last sight of their homeland for perhaps evermore. Caudal continued his inventory, reading aloud from a raft of sheets while the others contemplated the receeding shore. "Three thousand, seven-hundred and fifty-six gallons of liqour, three and one-half tonnes of tobacco, four and three-quarter tonnes of concentrated lime juice as well as one-hundred and eighty gallons of cranberries." He wiped at the mist which condensed on his forehead and flipped the page to the next, "Let's see, we have as well some eight-hundred pounds of pepper, thirty-nine barrels of molasses and twelve jugs of pickled onions. For the first leg of the journey we have two tonnes of potatoes, sixty kilos of dried parsley, seventy rounds of cheddar, six jars of dried tomatoes in oil with garlic and a live pig one of the men smuggled on board."
"A pig! Did you hear that Thomas?" said Farthing, turning his face from the wind.
"Yes Sir, I believe I did."
Caudal cleared his throat, "Yes sir. Oh and one of the engineers is using the excrement to grow mushrooms below deck."
"Good." Farthing turned again toward the bow, "Tell the pilot to ease the main, we're catching a luff..." To Dickinson he added, "We shall figure a way to roast the pig and settle windward to the Sceptre so she might catch a whiff of our dinner."
"Bloody good idea Richard. Pork roast would be nice."
"This isn't some man o' war with room for a stable amidships Caudal."
"Yes Sir."
"There may be little about duty that appeals to these men... All have seen degradations of the human spirit beyond description and have lived through them with a kind of mute resolve. If for them the reason war was fought, for the good of themselves and their family and homeland, then little patience should be spared for anyone who dares to interfere." Farthing looked again towards the coast. "Be it most often a strict adherance to arbitrary codes of conduct, they had a deep and abiding respect for themselves and for others... so long as those others were in kind."
The other two stood for a moment, unsure about what was just said. Farthing broke the silence by inquiring of the origin of the dried tomatoes at which time the Doctor interrupted and confessed that he had transported a massive quantity home from Italy upon his journey there in the summer.
"Well done Thomas. Caudal, inform the cook that the dried tomatoes are only to be used as a reward upon my orders and are to be kept in my quarters for safe keeping... and I want you and Lieutenant Tarbin to keep close watch on the drink and tobacco. You each are to keep seperate records through my office. Keep them to their daly ration and if any of the snotties keeps theirs in store and turns up on watch drunk I want them brought to me immediately. Ullage and monkey pumps are not welcome on my ship. Understood?"
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