PRAGMATIC GEL* presents -
Lougan the XVI
by Sanchez
Sometime in the distant future sits a specimen of a man, kept on display as a reminder of the plague that very nearly wiped out the entirety of the planet earth. His name is Cody.
Cody was the great, great, great, great, great grandson of the same Cody you saw gettin' whupped in the parking lot at Zeller's last week. He is one of the last living examples of his race and is kept in a cage of sorts... There wasn't really much to do. Since the fecal rebellion of two days ago, Cody has been reduced to licking spittle off of the glass enclosure and chewing on his toes. Space veterinarians examine him regularly and respond violently if bitten.
It is a grim tableau.
* This moment in time has been brought to you by PRAGMATIC GEL, the Gel Professionals Use.
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