by Jack the Dog Barker
Starring - Jack the Dog Barker and introducing, Sanchez the Cat
Act I, sc v
A cat enters the room and treats JACK with cold disregard. This is SANCHEZ. While the humans talk, JACK'S eyes never leave the room. They are focused intently on the cat. The cat is in the room.
SANCHEZ acts as though nothing is happening. As though a hole is not being burned in his side by some dog's beady little eyes. The tension is palpable. Why does the cat continue to enter the room? Sport? Good times? Something to do? Something to eat? Boom!
JACK Grr-raph woof woof.
JACK is across the room in one bound. SANCHEZ jumps straight up, does a turn in mid-air and pushes off the wall with his hind legs. He is gone. JACK trots back over to his spot on the short human food provider's feet. No one seems to have noticed the commotion.
BOB I better put the rest of the beers in the fridge...
PAUL Careful of the hole in the floor.
BOB grabs the beer and hands a couple to his friends. He exits - left - to the kitchen.
BOB (offstage) Holy shit!
BOB enters - left - carrying a couple of bottles for himself.
BOB You weren't kidding about the hole man.
PAUL Jack's been diggin' again.
REGGIE I figure there's a body buried under there.
PAUL He's convinced this place is haunted.
REGGIE It smells funny in here.
BOB That's your feet my friend.
REGGIE Whatever.
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