Graham, winner of the Mohawk Raceway Slots Contest for his caption, "Oh I know..." won the free contest for a roll of quarters yadda-yadda and so on...
Grunter Stevenson: So Gray-ham, are you serious?
Graham the Magnificent: Oh I know.
GS: Nobody really entered that contest.
GM: That means I won.
GS: I guess... So you entered how many times?
GM: One hundred and sixteen.
GS: What the... oh yeah, that's right. Here, have another drink buddy.
GM: Thanks, oh you know...
GS: Yes. Yes I do. So Graham, you're no doubt familiar with our policy concerning entry fees.
GM: Oh I know.
GS: I'll refer you to the contest chart small print listing A... So in order to proceed, I'm uh, going to have to see the hundred and sixty bucks you owe me.
GM: Seriously?
GS: Yes.
GM: I thought that was a joke! Fuck you asshole...
GS: Hey hey, c'mon now...
GM: Rock lyrics don't work on me, you know... I know, so, give me the fuckin' tickets.
GS: What tickets?
GM: The tickets for the slots!
GS: Dude. First of all, there are no tickets and second, you don't need them anyway.
GM: No?
GS: If you had to pay to get into a casino, nobody would go...
GM: Oh I know.
GS: I know you know.
GM: So gimmie just the roll of quarters then.
GS: Oh for fuck's sakes...
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