Boo the Bear comments on the continuing water saga from his favourite watering-hole on Vancouver Island
Hey kids, how's it goin'? Welp, looks like Whitey's gone and done it again - over-developing the crap outta everywhere and generally fucking it up for the rest of us. I don't know if you've been watching the news but to me it just looks like a slow news day got outta hand. Obviously this crisis began as some cheap stunt by the local council to drum up some money for infrastructure and now it's gone and blowed up in their faces like a potato gun backfire. If'n they weren't so greedy and building on every last square inch of land out here this wouldn't be a problem but everybody's got to get their fair share and I'm left sortin' through their trash at the dump 'cuz I ain't seen a decent deer in months... Lookit, ya got a lake up the hill that's ok, a little low, but what's stoppin' em from building a pipeline down from there? Cash. That's what. So a couple of hundred kids are out of a job for the rest of the summer - ain't they supposed to be back at school anyhow? I'm tired of all the hypocritical mumbo-jumbo we see on our televisions all day and night and look forward to the day when foraging for berries 24/7 becomes the norm...
Fight the power, Boo-tee-licious.
- the above opinions do not neccessarily reflect(er) those of Lougan Watch or it's affiliate, Lougan View - http://LouganView.blogspot.com
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