Thursday, August 31, 2006

Lonesome Betty says, "Go fuck yourself..."
Captions like this just make people angry. If you think you can do better, drop an idea in the comments section and you'll automatically be entered in a draw to WIN free transportation to and from Mohawk Raceway Slots and a free roll of quarters.*
So enter now and enter often cuz at these prices this shit ain't gonna last...
*ten bucks each entry (better'n Lonesome Betty's rate), transportation via shuttle from downtown, contest not open to kids unless accompanied by an adult (+ ten bucks)
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Interview with Jack the Dog Barker
Internationally renowned canine communicator speaks to Lougan Watch at the lougan headquarters on Barton Street.
Grunter Stevenson: Jack, you've been called both a charlatan and a bit of a wanker. How do you respond to these allegations?
Jack the Dog Barker: Well... first of all Grunter, I'd like to say what a pleasure it is to be here. Nice to see you again.
GS: Whatever.
JB: Yes, well... I can understand some people's hesitancy to accept the canine perspective...
GS: But you're really a dog right?
JB: Yes. I'm a Jack Russell.
GS: So how do you talk, like - ruff-ruff?
JB: That may be a common misconception, I don't actually talk, per-say... rather I transmit my thoughts via the ether.
GS: Is that like, gasoline?
JB: Uh, no. It's a term to well, it can be a colourless liquid distillate or uh, the sky, but I'm using it to describe what formerly was thought to be a kind of substance that filled all space and acted as a medium for the transmission of radio waves which does in fact, exist to this day...
GS: Ooohhh... Can you spell that?
JB: Spell what?
GS: Never mind. So Jack, can you lick your own balls?
JB: I uh...
GS: C'mon...
JB: Ahem. Well, yes I, for hygenic purposes. Yes. I don't really see the point in this...
GS: Sorry bud, just givin' ya a hard time. How's the ol' lady?
JB: Fine.
GS: Cool. So uh, you got twenty bucks I can borrow?
JB: What?
GS: I'm a bit strapped right now...
JB: Where am I going to put twenty bucks?
GS: I don't know... Up your ass?
JB: See you later Grunter.
GS: Okay, see ya... Hey come back. Let's go for a beer. No? Okay... motherfucker.
Monday, August 28, 2006
1. Judge me and we're fightin'.
2. Your hair sucks too, Dexter.
3. Nellie Furtado was known as "The Headmaster" in high-school.
4. "Oh there you are..." - all purpose phrase meant to imply laziness.
5. FUBAR - classic louganesque cinema.
6. "It's like they never realized the eighties started" - Mike Skinner
* frequently answered questions
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
i am a weed
the lurid clang of the switching yard
reminded me of you
the fluid crash of metal back and forth
changing your mind too easy a comparison
the sound was all i knew
so long as one of us knows the truth
like a wiretap
so long as one knows it's being recorded
but i think we both knew the truth
so what does that make it
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Dear Jack,
They want to cut my cocobas off dude! All's I want is to sit on my ass all day, eating, getting set up for winter when these fuckin' stick insects trap me in a cage, like which, I shoulda seen comin' and then they pop me with some heavy shit, like, no mushrooms I ever ate before and boom - I wake up in a bigger cage with a concrete floor! I've crapped my last berry if I wasn't madder than I've ever been!!!
I fuckin' got outta there as fast as I could - don't ask me how - but I was only out for a few days before they nailed me again with that sweet beesting shit and boom - I'm back in the can again. Fuck me, so I got outta there again by basically pulling the fence apart with my teeth and now I'm like, miles away in a secret location bangin' bitches and eatin' some crunchy-sweet carpenter ants... Anyways Bro, if they get me again, I heard by a grapevine in some suburb I stumbled upon - word is they wanna deep six my testicles cuz I'm an "aggresive bear". Fuck that shit, I'm layin' on my back gettin' my dick licked and then maybe wanderin' down to the water to see how the fish look. "Aggresive Bear" my ass. Take my nuts and you might as well take me.
Fight the power.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006

Regaining consciousness was better the first time than the second. The first time I was about ten and hit the basketball net pole with my head in order not to be "it". I was the first to the pole and the last to get up. Evidently once I did get up I was walking around like nothing happened for quite a while. Once the swelling started I must have slipped back under because all's I knew was I was being carried upstairs to the nurses' office by two hot looking older girls.
Friday, August 18, 2006
"I'd call her a bitch." said the expression on Denise's face when I mentioned her. But at that time Jen was way out of my league or whatever. A University Professor and had asked me if I needed a place to stay when she got back which I thought was very friendly but I told her I already had a place but it seemed like we were mutually in no hurry for me to move out so I left my stereo for last because she had thrown her last one out the door at her ex-boyfriend. You know, dribs and drabs you pick up from other people's lives.
Denise said that months later, when I was in New Zealand pullin' tits (milking cows) Jen had come around a couple of times which I found to be very interesting because she tried her best to keep me from leaving the country in the first place. When she came back from El Salvador she was going all mental because my ex-girlfriend had told her that I was drinking and screwing chicks in her place all day and night which sounds great but was like, totally untrue. Anyway, a couple of weeks later she had acted as my guarantor (Jen) on my passport application and had evidentally tried to have it revoked because she had only known me for two weeks and had therefore lied - isn't that her bad, not mine? She also ratted me out to welfare 'cuz I got to the office to pick up my cheque and they've got a hold on it so I sit down and wait with this forged note in my pocket to get a clothing voucher for a new job eh? But the job is in fuckin' New Zealand which I'm not going to tell them and out walks this big guy with his name on my lips,
"Mister Stevenson?"
All my i.d. had the wrong addresses and he knew where I was going and when and who I'd been working for and what vehicles I had sold and for how much and I was like, never open your mouth to anybody. So after all that I ended up signing something which says I owe six-hundred and fifty bucks to be paid back over the next however many months on my next claim - which they still haven't collected I'm proud to say. I walked out of there with a food voucher for fifty bucks as well. Bam!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
She blinked. I figured I'd better act locally and asked about movin' my stuff in so I could bang 'er. I asked her when I could pick up the key. This was just before the first of the month and she told me to come around with the deposit, so I did. Then she told me she had actually been served with a notice of eviction for renting out the suite. She said that it had happened before and that the landlord was just being a prick and that she wasn't worried and neither should I be. It was getting close to when I hadda move out of the place I was in like I said and I thought so what, I'll withhold my rent next month if we're getting kicked out anyway. Maybe buy an extra pack of smokes.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Anyway, the rent was cheap and the landlay's kids were using it as a playroom when I came over to see it. A little fixing up... one of those nice to have a man around situations, ya know what I'm sayin'? I took it for the beginning of next month. I didn't have to be out of the place I was house-sitting until the eleventh but I liked having a few days to move my stuff and get settled. I wanted to have someplace together before the friend of my old girlfriend came back from Guatamala. I can easily become one of those people who never leave. By doing something I all of a sudden wasn't one of those people. No matter... I took the first place that I looked.